Some Metformin ER tablets are being recalled due to cancer causing contaminant called NDMA. FDA throughout 2020 has been asking pharmaceutical companies to recall the affected batch of medications.

What you need to know and do:

  • Only Metformin Extended Release (ER) tablets were affected. Immediate release tablets were not known to be affected.
  • Please ask your pharmacy if your prescription was affected. We have multiple pharmaceutical companies coming out with recalls this year.
  • DO NOT stop taking the medications until you find out with your pharmacy.
  • Please have the pharmacy replace those medications. 
  • Please let us know how we can help. 

You can read more about it at the following links

  1. CNN (
  2. FDA website  

JONGOH KIM, MD Endocrinologist located in Houston, Tx
LIBU VARUGHESE, MD Endocrinologist located in Houston, Tx
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