Diabetes care can be expensive so here are some tips: I have noticed Walmart offers the most cost-effective options.
What do I do about Meter/strips?
Meter and Strips are crucial to know the status of your blood sugars.
- Reli-on meter is only $9
- Reli-on Test strips are equally cheap
For T2 diabetes requiring Pills:
- Metformin is effective and affordable.
- Pioglitazone (Actos) 15mg is also both an effective and affordable drug.
- On the $4 generic 30-day supply list
- Sulpholyureas: Less favorites are the class containing glipizide and glimepiride.
- cost-effective drugs ($4-$10 for 30 days)
- Can cause hypoglycemias if you skip meals

For those requiring insulin:
- The long active NPH insulin is $25/vial which holds about 1,000 units of insulin
- The short-acting Insulin Regular is also $25/vial (which holds 1,000 units of insulin)
- Some Insulin companies now have a cheaper cash price option for the newer Insulin. More information to follow